Friday, April 8, 2011

Mata Segar, I MUST Wake Up!

Early morning dah start blaming myself, "why r u being lazy lately nih!" Then start lah tengok movie, tengok youtube and other channels blablablaa to control on my mood. sigh~ padahal assignments yang prof asks to submit in exam week pun tak siap lagi. revise? ohh, currently in 15 % je. can you believe it! =.=''

And when otak dah ting-tong kejap, mula lah tue mengadu itu ini kat budak Alex.haiiyooo.

"Kecik, give me an advice.lots advicesssz pun takpe. im losing my mood to study rite now"
"Kecik, orang tengah malas. tolong kita. (padahal diri sendiri tue? aish)

Discriminating myself ke hape? haha..Syaiitooonn,, shuhhh. leave me in peace rite now, boleh??-bisik.
And then budak Alex bersuara..

[me]: dear, nasihatkan kite
[me]: kite makin malas:(
[me]: :'(
[kecik]: eyp!
[kecik]: jgn malas2
[kecik]: igt org tersayang
[kecik]: huhu
[me]: hahaaa
[kecik]: tqa kne igt selalu wut & why u r there for?
[kecik]: utk main?
[kecik]: utk masa dpn?
[kecik]: utk ape
[kecik]: klu kt nmpk hala tuju kita insyaAllah kita akn berusaha sungguh2 utk nye kn 
[kecik]: so jgn malas!
[kecik]: igt sakura n msg di bawah nye tu 
[kecik]: hehehe

Lega hati. sakura? a special message! hehe.rite now, MESTI disiplinkan diri. if tired sangat belajar tue, hold on for a second. rest jap. tapi jangan reach limit overtime pulak. tak jadi nanti kerja yang u supposed to work on. and, kena pandai pilih what is important, and what is urgent & what is sampingan and sebagainya.:) insyaAllah, u can do it! Gambate ne sachi asukai! jangan malas-malas dah!


DeE YaNa said...

akkk!!~ingt orang yg tersyg!!;p..ehhehe

Sachi Asukai said...

owite dear!hehehe.thanks yana!

kecik said...

hehe... smgt tau my dear. jgn malas2.. igt org tersayang!! haha:P

luv n mis u so much!
btw, nice song! sgt suke.. hehe :)

Sachi Asukai said...

orait!having your spirit skarang!:)

ily too n imy too.take care kat worried^^

dah tuka song la dear..hehe