Friday, November 25, 2011

RE: Busana Muslimah. Yah, I'm Speechless!


**ACTUAL DATE &TIME: 24th Nov, 3.54pm

Alhamdulillah. Today was another amazing day here at Kelantan. Herein, i had the opportunity to spend time writing on blog. It was a rainy day and all my classes was cancelled today due to the rising flood water in Pengkalan Chepa. But still i was extremely busy with my Mid-Term Exams, need to study and comprehend all the chapters lectured before. CONTINUOUS LEARNING. Yah, it s IMPORTANT to realize that learning the lessons of LIFE take a lifetime & allowing periods of time to pass us by without learning something  new, IS NOT the best use of the time we have (in my humble opinion). You dun have to take on a college course every week, BUT simply develop ur mindset and purpose of learning something EVEGHYDAY! No matter how small the lesson is, :)

Okay, enough of the babbling, so take a closer look on my pics below. These are the pics taken by JT & NIP, for the Muslim Clothing Competition or we called it as 'Pertandingan Busana Muslimah' and the theme is "Seanggun Bidadari Syurga". And as i said before, it is unpredictable and i didn t expect much to win this competition. As my intention is just to help JT's in filling the list of participants. And, SYUKUR again. :')

Dengan mereka, ukhuwah yang dibina makin kuat! Yang dah lama kenal tanpa bertegur sapa, mula mengenali lebih dekat. Indahnya ISLAM :') Andai aku terapkan & tambahkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam diri, aku yakin akan dapat mengenali CINTA DIA Yang Maha Agung dan Satu dengan lebih mendalam. InsyaAllah. *terharu*

(To 'Ainaa' Mardhiyah, THANKS for your support, and as always, accompanied & convince me to face a 'challenge' like this. MUCHO GRACIAS!

And these photos below are partly taken from my new friend, Syud Mizi :) Yah, i made a new friend excitedly! Senang kan Islam ajar kita untuk build ukhuwah! Tapi ada caranya. Dan semua itu bermula dengan fahami sunnatullah dalam memburu anugerahNya.:)

"Tiada Jalan Lain Melainkan Mujahadah"
Payah atau mudah, HATI MESTI DIJAGA & DITATANG bagaikan minyak yang penuh untuk dikembalikan kepada fitrahnya yang bersih. Kalau kita bersungguh-sungguh & mengikhlaskan hati, insyaAllah di hujung perjuangan untuk mengembalikan hati kepada fitrah ini, ADA KEMANISANNYA & ADA BANTUAN ALLAH


Anonymous said...

niat ikhlas dibalas dgn kebaikan :)


comelnye adik akak yg sorang ne..