Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Celoteh #2

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Menciptakan :)

Semalam mama abah datang melawat teratak kecil kami. Kebetulan, kami perlu berpindah to a new house this week. Since abah di diagnosed kanser hati, abah semakin kurus. Ya, sebab abah perlu jaga 80% gaya pemakanannya dan 20% lagi untuk aktiviti sihatnya. Sebak, hanya Allah yang tahu perasaan aku.

Husband took a day off and he welcomed my parents earlier. When i came home, mama abah were totally happy. With my 4months+ lil bump figure, faham-faham je lah kan. Lol.

I asked abah what did the doctor says? Abah cakap, with his condition he supposedly have to undergo liver transplant. But the costing is too wayyyy expensive! And mostly, ramai yang buat transplant risikonya rendah untuk pulih kembali dan hidup. At last, he chose to treat his cancer traditionally.


Personally, i didn't really believe in hospital medications and treatments (eg: chemotherapy, transplant), and until now i didn't touch any paracetamol because i believe our body needs to be healed by what it takes and do.

I feel grateful because Allah chose me to know Herbalife when my pain is getting worse. Alhamdulillah, thumma Alhamdulillah :') My baby got its nutrition and benefit too from what i took. Setakat ni, walaupun tengah pregnant, but i still consume teamix, shake and calcium untuk kesihatan diri dan pertumbuhan bayi. *(Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

I learnt untuk tidak kedekut laburkan some of my expenses untuk kesihatan, coz at the end, your shape, your health, your energy, your emotion yang banyak dikawal by what you eat and how positive was your surrounding. Kan?


Abah mama pegang perut aku. Dia usap perlahan sambil senyum memandangku.

"Ini cucu abah. Jaga elok-elok ya,"

Mama hanya senyum dan tergelak. But i noticed abah's face. He was praying and hoping to see this child sooner, MashaAllah :') Sebak aku tersekat dekat kerongkong, i was speechless. Sayu pandang wajah abah. Nak menangis, air mata masih lagi tertahan.

Aku pujuk mama untuk bagi abah makan herbalife since he refused to take it. Mama cakap, inshaAllah, nanti mama bagi. Mama had a glass of teamix before she leave. I was so glad they came and visiting us yesterday. 

Btw, mama siap ukur badan dan perut untuk buat baju mengandung aku nanti. Ya Allah, mama ni tak pernah putus asa untuk memberi dan menggembirakan anak-anaknya T.T Moga aku juga diberi kekuatan seperti itu bila sudah mendapat title 'ibu'.

Segala puji bagi Allah pemilik segala hati-hati. Moga dipermudahkan pertemuan ini menjadi pertemuan yang panjang waktu dan manis memorinya. Sentiasa.

Thank you Allah for all these blessings!

Assalamualaikum :)

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