Sunday, October 23, 2011



Some people asks me, "How u do it?" "How to make things easier?" "How to convince people?" and etcs. I d faced all those questions. Mungkin akan ada lagi soalan yang orang tak pernah tanya lagi kat aku rite? So, be mentally prepared sachi! Hahaa.


Minda kita ni is very-very powerful. Kalau kita sentiasa fikir negative, sekeliling kita, cas-cas negative akan tarik. Because badan kita ni macam magnet, magnet dan MAGNET! Hahaa, saje caps lock kan. Sebab senang sangat jumpa dengan orang negative. Termasuk la diri aku ni kadang-kadang. But! How to be a POSITIVE person? How? How?

Through HABIT, we can know either we re in what type of this charge. For instance, if dalam sehari kita asyik cakap "Stress..stress..and stress.." and it will continuously going on like days, weeks, months and so ll probably be a DANGEROUS HABIT! Mana taknya, orang marah, orang puji, orang perli, semua dia cakap "Stress!!". Because of what? Because this word has become his/her habit within 21 days dan terus continuously like that sampai dia rasakan that word is a normal word for him/her.  OOoopss! Nauzubillah, minta dijauhkan! Based on the research, sesiapa yang melakukan someting positive (nak cakap yang baik & positive je lah) within 21 days, dan berterusan doing any good action, or saying any good words, it s become a HABIT to them. So now, start doing positive things until it become a habit for you. :)

How do i faced all these thing? Yah, action cures fear. Perasaan takut & malu is sinonym masa kita budak-budak dulu. But now, be matured people. Kita boleh belajar how to face all these crap. Yang penting, niatkan dalam diri untuk mencuba something new. Words have power! So, biasakan diri untuk bercakap tentang kebaikan, kebaikan & kebaikan. I do have this strange feeling bila mana asyik bercakap tentang positive things. Subhanallah! Hati rasa tenang yang teramat sangat dan jarang sangat-sangat rasa down macam dulu. Alhamdulillah! Nikmat Allah yang sukar dicari. But the main point is, semua tue bergantung pada DIRI KITA SENDIRI. How we faced it. Kalau asyik takut je, nak buat apapun tak jadi. If kita betul-betul nak buat masa tue, JUST DO IT! Bila kita terus buat, rasa takut tue akan hilang! Believe me.

Another tip is, the MOMENT KITA BANGUN TIDUR, is the moment yang paling penting dalam diri kita. You know why? Because after the 10 minutes of waking up from the sleep, it ll determine the ensuring excellence of the day. Therefore, within 10 minutes we shud be filled preferably with GOOD words, actions, feelings & good thoughts. Please, tolongla jangan ruin your day by saying or expressing something bad like insults, angry or destructive actions okay? Kesian la kat diri sendiri. Love yourself. If you re successful to do that, that day will be a day of FUN & SUCCESSFUL. But if the 10 minutes is destroyed, then all the remaining days will be damaged. Tak caya? Cee kome try..

That s all for today. 


Anonymous said...

emmm...tapi kenape perlu 21 hari sachi? bukan sebulan 2 bulan. tak perlu minum monavi ker untuk ceria hehe

Sachi Asukai said...

Hahaa.BASED ON RESEARCH, 21 days heng. But if u disagree with that countable days, try buat something u usually ignore. mcm habit baca buku ke,, or anything,, more than 21 days. and u ll get the result. Macam FB rite, hari2 kita on & facebook-ing smpai 21 hari. u ll notice that it s become a habit for you :) TILL NOW!

P/S: Minum Monavie boleh kurangkan stress! Sebab hari-hari kita makan buah! Hiks.